Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's brew some Pale Ale!!

"He was a wise man who invented beer". Plato

December just started and so, your calendar starts to fill up with parties, family meetings, dinners with friends... there is no single weekend with nothing to do!!!. Soon, the end of year celebrations will begin, which means that we will have to bear with "El Chinamo" in channel 7 and enjoy the bullfights (yes, I have to admit it, I do enjoy watching them).
All this scenario makes you think on the right choice of beer to brew, you need something you can enjoy at any moment, something smooth, that you can drink all night (or day) so.... how about a Pale Ale? yes, that seems to be the answer!!!
What should we expect from an American Pale Ale?
Aroma: Usually moderate to strong hop aroma from dry hopping or late kettle additions of American hop varieties. A citrusy hop character is very common, but not required. Low to moderate maltiness supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). Fruity esters vary from moderate to none. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive.
Appearance: Pale golden to deep amber. Moderately large white to off-white head with good retention. Generally quite clear, although dry-hopped versions may be slightly hazy.
Flavor: Usually a moderate to high hop flavor, often showing a citrusy American hop character (although other hop varieties may be used). Low to moderately high clean malt character supports the hop presentation, and may optionally show small amounts of specialty malt character (bready, toasty, biscuity). The balance is typically towards the late hops and bitterness, but the malt presence can be substantial. Caramel flavors are usually restrained or absent. Fruity esters can be moderate to none. Moderate to high hop bitterness with a medium to dry finish. Hop flavor and bitterness often lingers into the finish. No diacetyl. Dry hopping (if used) may add grassy notes, although this character should not be excessive.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body. Carbonation moderate to high. Overall smooth finish without astringency often associated with high hopping rates.
Overall Impression: Refreshing and hoppy, yet with sufficient supporting malt.
So, having this in mind Dos Amigos HomeBrewing, has taken the decision to brew a simple, yet delicious American Pale Ale.

Here is the high level of our recipe:

6kg of  Pale Malt
500gr of Crystal 30
1/2 oz of Chinnok @60min
1oz of Cascade @20min
1oz of Cascade @10min
1 wirlfloc tablet @10min

Here is the latest innovation from Dos Amigos HomeBrewing, we've modified our simple mill so that we can use a regular hand drill, this simple modification has help us to reduce... the pain of hand-grinding the grain bill :-)

 As you can see, it works really good!!!
 Mashing it @68C, the temperature keep constant during the 60min of the process
 Whirlpool, the smell we get is amazing, the sugars has converted perfectly and the taste of it is really sweet with lots of malt flavor!!

 We start collecting the wort and the sparge process, we fly sparge the mash-tun with ~4gal of water

 After 2 weeks of fermenting this is the final result, we got a really nice color, the hop smell was really perceived during the bottle process, thanks to the Chinnok added at the beginning of the boil, we are expecting to have a relatively high IBU (for Costa Rica standard) ~30IBU.
 We hope to taste it in a couple of weeks, when it finishes it conditioning process, we will get back to you with our review soon!!!

Keep on brewing!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Review: Dos Amigos' Spicy Pumpkin Ale

This beer got a full multi-person review over the meal for which it was brewed. Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and three kinds of salads all played along well.
Adrian and I had a sneak-preview the week before and it was already quite nice, but the extra week in the bottle further smoothed it out.
The breakdown: This beer has a lovely amber color with red tones when held up to the light. The head dissipates quickly but has a pleasing creamy off-white tone.
The flavor is sort of a medium maltiness up front with a prominent but not overwhelming spiced finish (kinda the point!) and very little bitterness. The finish is also crisp but not dry or astringent. This is one of the points that improved with the extra week in the bottle.
Overall the beer received very nice reactions from guests especially as an compliment to the saltiness in the food. One guest mentioned that it was the best beer he had ever tasted (perhaps a condemnation of our poor beer culture more than a nod to our beer) and another proclaimed it as her favorite Dos Amigos beer so far. High praise indeed!
One feature that didn't come through as strongly as we had hoped was the pumpkin flavor. Although present it was a bit faint, so next time we will probably be doubling up on the pumpkin.

After such a wonderful beer we can't wait until next year to make it again. Who knows we may not wait that long!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dos Amigos Jimena Strawberry Ale

"The best thing about the future is, that it comes one day at a time" Abraham Lincoln.

I've come to realize that is it almost a year since my lovely daughter Jimena was born!. 

On a sunny morning, at 6:41am to be precise, on December 22, my wife and I were bless with the miracle of live, a joy so precious that continues to bring happiness to our family every single day.

So, while my wife has started to plan the party for her 1st birth-day celebration, rushing to define the menu, hiring the catering service, looking for tables and chairs, making the invitations, buying candies for the "piñata", thinking on what would be the entertainment for the kids invited to the party, etc; the obedient husband has being assigned with a single but, very important task: listen carefully to all the wifes comments and ideas regarding the party!!!

Make sure to agree to all her "suggestions" without hesitation. Although it is a simple task it must be perform with out failure as ti will drive severe consequences.

There is only one idea that beats in the homebrewer heart when a party is at sight: what should I brew?

But, in this specific event, it is not a just a party, it is the 1st birth day celebration of my beloved daughter so, what better gift for her than a beer recipe! it is something that will endure the passing of time and that Dos Amigos Home Brewing is glad to brew for her now and teach her how to do it in the future.

So, we have decided to brew a Strewberry ale!!

Brewing with fruits can be a bit tricky, you need to be very careful on how you sanitize your fruit and you add it to your beer, also, the fruit you choose to brew has to be taken into consideration, there are fruits with very strong aromas and others have just a mild aroma.

Per definition, fruit beers should showcase the fruit, allowing it's natural aroma to fill your taste, hop aroma should be very mild or absence and malt flavors should not be perceived or overpower the fruit character.

Knowing that we need to pay close attention to these details, we brewed with enough time to allow the fruit beer proper bottle condition, it will stay in the bottle for almost 1 month before it is tasted, this will allow to remove, as much as possible, any astringency (perceived as dryness) aromas that might be developed during the fruit brewing.

Here is the recipe we brew, hope you like it and, after December 22nd we will let you know how it turn out!!! I'm sure Dos Amigos CCO will have a nice review of it :-).

5kg pale malt
1.5kg munich malt
250gr Crystal 30
100g chocolate malt
1/2oz chinnok (11.8%AA) @40min
1/2oz chinnot (11.8%AA) @20min
1 wirfloc tablet @10min
1 S04 yeast
1.1kg strawberry puree

OG: 1.052

Ok... the process is pretty much standard for the all grain beer, but the strawberry puree required to be sanitized so, it was heated just below the boiling point to avoid ruining the strawberry, be very careful when doing this.

The grain bill... in our next entry, we will surprise you with our "engineering" project for the grinding process :-)

Mash tun ready!!!
 Our hand mill... for now!!!
 if you have never done an all grain beer... you are missing a great part of brewing... the smell of the grains
 Mashing in!!!
 Dos Amigos recipe book!!!! it is worth a lot of.... well... the stickers are hard to get!!!
 Getting our worth
 Checking on........... hops :-)
 Strawberry puree
 OG!!! not OMG... OG :-)
 Dumping our beer in the fermenter with the beer puree in it

We added the yeast, place the lid and leave it to rest. We decided to dump the whole strawberry pure in the 1st fermenting and not to rack it; this is one way of doing it, you can follow different processes but, that is your choice!!!

See you again soon!!!



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

To fully enjoy your homebrew, use the right glassware!!!

So what's in a beer glass? Hopefully beer, but there's much more to be found. Though some beer novices say "the vast majority of glassware is just marketing," this couldn't be further from the truth. As Home brewers, we feel that beer drinkers deserve better than this. So here's the real deal ...

Sure, there's a marketing component to beer glassware, but one only needs to look beyond the branding to discover that something bigger is taking place. As soon as the beer hits the glass, its color, aroma and taste is altered, your eye candy receptors tune in, and your anticipation is tweaked. Hidden nuances, become more pronounced, colors shimmer, and the enjoyment of the beer simply becomes a better, more complete, experience.

Still think it's just marketing? Well the sophomoric pun "head is good" has a mature side. Scientific studies show that the shape of glassware will impact head development and retention. Why is this important? The foam created by pouring a beer acts as a net for many of the volatiles in a beer. What's a volatile? Compounds that evaporate from beer to create its aroma, such as hop oils, all kinds of yeast fermentation byproducts like alcohol, fusels and fruity esters, spices or other additions. So a glass that promotes a healthy foam head may enhance the trapping of certain volatiles. And as varying levels of head retention and presentation are desired with different styles of beers, different styles of glassware should be used accordingly. Presentation marries science.

So which glassware do you use? The answer can often be overwhelming. In Europe, especially Belgium, each brand of beer will often have its own glass. In fact, some breweries have been known to engineer the glass before the beer, and many bars will also stock unique glassware for every brand of beer they serve, which could be hundreds or thousands. And while it's always a good idea to use glassware designed by the brewery for a specific brand of beer, sometimes this is not an option. But fret not! We've complied a quick guide of recommended glassware that will cover most beers and arm you with a very versatile arsenal of glassware.

Flute Glass


The world of champagne lends elegance to certain types of beer. Long and narrow bodies ensure that carbonation doesn't dissipate too quickly and showcase a lively carbonation or sparkling color. Stems will often be a bit shorter than the traditional champagne glass, but not necessarily.

Benefits: Enhances and showcases carbonation. Releases volatiles quickly for a more intense upfront aroma.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Wild Ale
  • Bière de Champagne / Bière Brut
  • Bock
  • Czech Pilsener
  • Dortmunder / Export Lager
  • Eisbock
  • Euro Strong Lager
  • Faro
  • Flanders Oud Bruin
  • Flanders Red Ale
  • German Pilsener
  • Gueuze
  • Lambic - Fruit
  • Lambic - Unblended
  • Maibock / Helles Bock
  • Munich Dunkel Lager
  • Munich Helles Lager
  • Schwarzbier
  • Vienna Lager
  • Weizenbock

Goblet (or Chalice)

Majestic pieces of work, ranging from delicate and long stemmed (Goblet) to heavy and thick walled (Chalice). The more delicate ones may also have their rims laced with silver or gold, while the heavy boast sculpture-like stems. Some are designed to maintain a 2-centimeter head. This is achieved by scoring the inside bottom of the glass, which creates a CO2 nucleation point, and a stream of eternal bubbles and perfect head retention as a result.

Benefits: Eye candy. Designed to maintain head. Wide-mouthed for deep sips.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • Belgian IPA
  • Belgian Strong Dark Ale
  • Berliner Weissbier
  • Dubbel
  • Quadrupel (Quad)
  • Tripel

Mug (or Seidel, stein)

Heavy, sturdy, large and with handle, the mug is a fun and serious piece of glassware that comes in many sizes and shapes. The best part of using a mug is that you can clink them together with more confidence than other types of glassware, and they hold loads of beer. Seidel is a German mug, while a Stein is the stone equivalent that traditionally features a lid, the use of which dates back to the Black Plague to prevent flies from dropping in.

Benefits: Easy to drink out of. Holds plenty of volume.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Amber / Red Ale
  • American Amber / Red Lager
  • American Black Ale
  • American Blonde Ale
  • American Brown Ale
  • American Dark Wheat Ale
  • American IPA
  • American Malt Liquor
  • American Pale Ale (APA)
  • American Pale Wheat Ale
  • American Porter
  • American Stout
  • American Strong Ale
  • Baltic Porter
  • Black & Tan
  • Bock
  • California Common / Steam Beer
  • Chile Beer
  • Cream Ale
  • Czech Pilsener
  • Doppelbock
  • English Bitter
  • English Brown Ale
  • English Dark Mild Ale
  • English India Pale Ale (IPA)
  • English Porter
  • English Stout
  • English Strong Ale
  • Euro Dark Lager
  • Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
  • Fruit / Vegetable Beer
  • German Pilsener
  • Herbed / Spiced Beer
  • Irish Dry Stout
  • Irish Red Ale
  • Keller Bier / Zwickel Bier
  • Maibock / Helles Bock
  • Märzen / Oktoberfest
  • Milk / Sweet Stout
  • Oatmeal Stout
  • Rauchbier
  • Roggenbier
  • Sahti
  • Scottish Ale
  • Scottish Gruit / Ancient Herbed Ale
  • Smoked Beer
  • Vienna Lager
  • Witbier

Pilsner Glass (or Pokal)

Typically a tall, slender and tapered 12-ounce glass, shaped like a trumpet at times, that captures the sparkling effervesces and colors of a Pils while maintaining its head. A Pokal is a European Pilsner glass with a stem.

Benefits: Showcases color, clarity and carbonation. Promotes head retention. Enhances volatiles.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Adjunct Lager
  • American Amber / Red Lager
  • American Double / Imperial Pilsner
  • American Malt Liquor
  • American Pale Lager
  • Bock
  • California Common / Steam Beer
  • Czech Pilsener
  • Doppelbock
  • Dortmunder / Export Lager
  • Euro Dark Lager
  • Euro Pale Lager
  • Euro Strong Lager
  • German Pilsener
  • Happoshu
  • Japanese Rice Lager
  • Light Lager
  • Low Alcohol Beer
  • Maibock / Helles Bock
  • Munich Dunkel Lager
  • Munich Helles Lager
  • Schwarzbier
  • Vienna Lager
  • Witbier

Pint Glass (or Becker, Nonic, Tumbler)

Near cylindrical, with a slight taper and wide-mouth. There are two standard sizes, the 16-ounce (US Tumbler - the pour man's pint glass and most common) or the 20-ounce Imperial (Nonic), which has a slight ridge towards the top, a grip of sorts and helps in stacking them. The 20-ounce version is preferred to accommodate more beer or beers with large crowning heads. A Becker is the German equivalent, tapering at the top.

Benefits: Cheap to make. Easy to store. Easy to drink out of.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Adjunct Lager
  • American Amber / Red Ale
  • American Amber / Red Lager
  • American Barleywine
  • American Black Ale
  • American Blonde Ale
  • American Brown Ale
  • American Dark Wheat Ale
  • American Double / Imperial Stout
  • American IPA
  • American Malt Liquor
  • American Pale Ale (APA)
  • American Pale Wheat Ale
  • American Porter
  • American Stout
  • American Strong Ale
  • Baltic Porter
  • Berliner Weissbier
  • Black & Tan
  • California Common / Steam Beer
  • Chile Beer
  • Cream Ale
  • English Barleywine
  • English Bitter
  • English Brown Ale
  • English Dark Mild Ale
  • English India Pale Ale (IPA)
  • English Pale Ale
  • English Pale Mild Ale
  • English Porter
  • English Stout
  • English Strong Ale
  • Euro Dark Lager
  • Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)
  • Foreign / Export Stout
  • Fruit / Vegetable Beer
  • Happoshu
  • Herbed / Spiced Beer
  • Irish Dry Stout
  • Irish Red Ale
  • Low Alcohol Beer
  • Märzen / Oktoberfest
  • Milk / Sweet Stout
  • Oatmeal Stout
  • Old Ale
  • Pumpkin Ale
  • Russian Imperial Stout
  • Rye Beer
  • Sahti
  • Saison / Farmhouse Ale
  • Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
  • Scottish Ale
  • Scottish Gruit / Ancient Herbed Ale
  • Smoked Beer
  • Winter Warmer
  • Witbier


Used for brandy and cognac, these wide-bowled and stemmed glasses with their tapered mouths are perfect for capturing the aromas of strong ales. Volumes range, but they all provide room to swirl and agitate volatiles.

Benefits: Captures and enhances volatiles.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Barleywine
  • American Double / Imperial IPA
  • American Double / Imperial Stout
  • American Strong Ale
  • Belgian Dark Ale
  • Belgian Pale Ale
  • Belgian Strong Dark Ale
  • Belgian Strong Pale Ale
  • Braggot
  • Eisbock
  • English Barleywine
  • Flanders Oud Bruin
  • Flanders Red Ale
  • Foreign / Export Stout
  • Gueuze
  • Lambic - Fruit
  • Old Ale
  • Quadrupel (Quad)
  • Russian Imperial Stout
  • Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
  • Tripel
  • Wheatwine

Stange (siender Cylinder)

A traditional German glass, stange means "stick" and these tall, slender cylinders are used to serve more delicate beers, amplifying malt and hop nuances. Substitute with a Tom Collins glass.

Benefits: Tighter concentration of volatiles.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • Altbier
  • Bock
  • Czech Pilsener
  • Faro
  • Gose
  • Gueuze
  • Kölsch
  • Lambic - Fruit
  • Lambic - Unblended
  • Rauchbier
  • Rye Beer


A stemmed glass, obviously tulip-shaped, wherein the top of the glass pushes out a bit to form a lip in order to capture the head and the body is bulbous. Scotch Ales are often served in a "thistle glass," which is a modified tulip glass that resembles Scotland's national flower.

Benefits: Captures and enhances volatiles, while it induces and supports large foamy heads.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Double / Imperial IPA
  • American Wild Ale
  • Belgian Dark Ale
  • Belgian IPA
  • Belgian Pale Ale
  • Belgian Strong Dark Ale
  • Belgian Strong Pale Ale
  • Bière de Garde
  • Flanders Oud Bruin
  • Flanders Red Ale
  • Gueuze
  • Lambic - Fruit
  • Quadrupel (Quad)
  • Saison / Farmhouse Ale
  • Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy

Weizen Glass

Nothing beats serving your Weizenbier (wheat beer) in an authentic Bavarian Weizen Glass. These classy glasses, with their thin walls and length, showcase the beer's color and allows for much headspace to contain the fluffy, sexy heads association with the style. Most are 0.5L in size, with slight variations in sizes. Forget the lemon garnish, the citric will kill the head.

Benefits: Specifically produced to take on volume and head, while locking in the banana-like and phenol aromas associated with the style.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Dark Wheat Ale
  • American Pale Wheat Ale
  • Dunkelweizen
  • Gose
  • Hefeweizen
  • Kristalweizen
  • Weizenbock

Oversize wine glass

"A wine glass for beer!?" Yep, an oversized 22oz wine glass will be most suitable for serving most Belgian Ales. Its size allows for headspace, while the open bowl creates an amazing nose. A lot of smart beer bars are now serving their Belgian Ales in these. It also makes for a great crossover conversational piece. "Is that wine that you're drinking?" And you reply, "No, it's De Ranke XX Bitter from Belgium. Wanna try?"

Benefits: Replacement for a Tulip or Goblet. Conversational.

Use with these Beer Styles:
  • American Black Ale
  • American Double / Imperial IPA
  • American Double / Imperial Stout
  • American Wild Ale
  • Belgian Dark Ale
  • Belgian IPA
  • Belgian Pale Ale
  • Belgian Strong Dark Ale
  • Belgian Strong Pale Ale
  • Bière de Garde
  • Braggot
  • Eisbock
  • English Barleywine
  • Old Ale
  • Saison / Farmhouse Ale
  • Wheatwine